Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt!


Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt!

I’ve been struggling to invent creative activities for my blog now that I can’t visit small towns, hike or dine out, etc. This has led to plenty of long walks, ideal for decompressing and gaining perspective. Our surroundings are so beautiful right now with fresh, spring flowers blooming all around us. Families are seen strolling or cycling together through the neighborhood streets and it seemed like time for a neighborhood scavenger hunt! The world-wide “bear hunt” is a wonderful idea and has become a national phenomenon.

Adults, couples and children will enjoy my little scavenger hunt. At the end of the blog is an image to save for printing. Or you can copy and paste the list into your iphone notes with the checked circle option. You can even share with your friends and family in a different city and challenge them to a quest in their own neighborhood!

Keep an eye out and check them off when you spot an item. Unless otherwise noted or parent approved, this hunt is primarily intended for observing, not picking or taking. You may not find all the objects and that’s okay. The object is to have fun and you can carry the list again when you’re out to find more. 

One point is awarded for each item viewed. While there are no additional counts for spotting the same article more than once, there are opportunities to score bonus points as noted.

Let’s get started on our Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt!  Can you locate:

1) A Cardinal – Kentucky’s state bird.

2) Violets – These purple charmers sprout wild in yards. You can pick one near the sidewalk.


3) An Acorn – You can gather if it is on or near the sidewalk.

4) Someone on a Swing

5) A Pine Cone – You may pick up if it is on or near the sidewalk.


6) A Lawn Statue – Note what you recognize. Is it a gnome or an angel?

7) A Person Riding a Bike – I hope they’re wearing a helmet. If so, you get an extra point!

8) Image of the State of Kentucky


9) A Dandelion – These bloom naturally and are beautiful, yellow flowers. Later in life they turn white and fluffy and you can blow on them to make a wish. Their seeds drift off on silky, little parachutes to nourish next years display. You can pluck one if it is near the sidewalk.


10) A White Dog – A sight more rare than you think!


11) A Home for Sale

12) A Chicken – Yes, they frequent neighborhood lawns, forever foraging and pecking buggy nuggets.


13) A Baby in a Stroller

14) Sidewalk Chalk Art

15) Redbud Tree – These lush beauties are tinted reddish-purple, more so than crimson.


16) A Red House

17) A Stuffed Animal in a Window – Other than a bear!

18) A Gardener

19) Tulips – How many colors can you count? One point for each hue.


20) Someone Sitting on their Porch – Be sure to smile and wave hello. When they return the greeting, you get another point!

21) A House Number with the number “4” in it.

22) A Little Library – A small library meant to share books. Take a book and/or leave one, but be sure to sanitize!


23) A Piece of Furniture on the Curb

24) A Street Sign with the First Letter of Your Name in the spelling

25) A Clover – Select one if it is on or near the sidewalk.

I would love to see your photos of your Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt, so send them or tag me when you post. Given your permission, I just might share in my Facebook and Instagram stories at @BluegrassBlog!

I’ve been decorating the sidewalk with outdoor chalk, leaving riddles for the youngsters. Here are a few you might enjoy sharing with them.

Q: Where does a snowman keep his money?

A: In a snow bank.

Q: How do you fix a broken gorilla?

A: Gorilla glue.

Q: Why did the tomato blush?

A: It saw the salad dressing.

Q: How does a tree get on the internet?

A: It logs on!


Save this Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt image to your computer for printing- Right click & choose “Save image as”


Copy and paste this list into the notes of your iphone:

1) A Cardinal – Our state bird.

2) Violets – These purple charmers sprout wild in yards. You can pick one near the sidewalk.

3) A Little Library – A small library meant to share books. Take a book and/or leave one, but be sure to sanitize!

4) Redbud Tree – These lush beauties are tinted reddish-purple, more so than crimson.

5) A Pine Cone – You may pick up if it is on or near the sidewalk.

6) A Lawn Statue – Note what you recognize. Is it a gnome or an angel?

7) A Person Riding a Bike – I hope they’re wearing a helmet. If so, you get an extra point!

8) Image of the State of Kentucky

9) A Dandelion – These bloom naturally and are beautiful, yellow flowers. Later in their life they turn white and fluffy and you can blow on them to make a wish. Their seeds drift off on silky, little parachutes to nourish next years display. You can pluck one if it is near the sidewalk.

10) A White Dog – A sight more rare than you think!

11) A Home for Sale

12) A Chicken – Yes, they frequent neighborhood lawns, forever hunting and pecking buggy nuggets.

13) A Baby in a Stroller

14) Sidewalk Chalk Art

15) Someone on a Swing

16) A Red House

17) A Stuffed Animal in a Window – Other than a bear!

18) A Gardener

19) Tulips – How many colors can you count? One point for each hue.

20) Someone Sitting on their Porch – Be sure to smile and wave hello. When they return the greeting, you get another point!

21) A House Number with the number “4” in it.

22) An Acorn – You can gather if it is on or near the sidewalk.

23) A Piece of Furniture on the Curb

24) A Street Sign with the First Letter of Your Name in the spelling

25) A Clover – Select one if it is on or near the sidewalk.

What have you and your family been doing during this time at home? Please leave your ideas in the comment section below.


I’ve been struggling to invent creative activities for my blog now that I can’t visit small towns, hike or dine out, etc. This has led to plenty of long walks, ideal for decompressing and gaining perspective. Our surroundings are so beautiful right now with fresh, spring flowers blooming all around us. Families are seen strolling…